Forced Direction…

avatar graphicCreativity and my brain have always had a very terse relationship. I find myself looking for specific points of influence and for some reason my mind decides to laugh at me and go in a whole different direction. Lately I have been toying with the idea of a prequel story for one of my most popular and well established characters. It would be a fair departure from my normal writing in that story would be set in the “far future” without housing any major science fiction staples, but also due to the total lack of any supernatural elements.

In other words, no Runick Legends involvement.

Well as I have been laying the idea out, I had also been asked to design some villains for a story that a group of friends have been working on. Also relatively low key on the fantasy aspect, and responsible for the post I made the other day regarding consecutive drawings. And this is where my brain laughs at me.

In the midst of all the realistic story concept work I get an image burned into my mind about exactly how Grant Rünheist looks, behaves, how his skill with Elemental Wind works, the environment he ends up in looks, even the woman that he eventually loves and loses. All entirely awesome because he was always the black sheep of the Rünheist Lineage when it came to substance, but the total opposite of what I was trying to work on. Way to go, brain. This is why I may never make it as a contract based writer.

Still, I’m very much enjoying the Telekinetic-meets-Jedi-Knight aspects that Wind Mythics are taking on. I had always been a bit guarded about making the Star Wars comparison, but I’m realizing now that the multitude of fictional powers out there are really all just different names for the same functions anyhow. The Force did a lot for Star Wars because it was a vehicle for dynamic characters to do incredible things against amazing odds. That does not make it a unique concept, it makes it a brand. And I am going to give it my own take. If The Force is BAND-AID™, then Mythicism is a Vid’Avehn brand adhesive bandage.

Also, mine are blue.

Because blue is cooler, and scars are proof of experience.

— Vid