Disasterous Ideas…

avatar graphicI’ve been contemplating new story fragments for the various Legends, and I’m finding myself enthralled with the post-apocalyptic setting for various reasons of influence. Normally this isn’t my natrual medium, and I haven’t done a lot in that setting before. As such, I find my mind wandering towards how to improve the concept.

That’s sort of a tricky thing, seeing as there are very few post-apocalyptic deviations. Mostly they take place in various desert wastelands, or destroyed worlds. It seems to me like there’s got to be some sort of new apocalyptic setting out there that hasn’t been done before. I’ve considered the idea of people stranded in someplace more habitable, but that’s not really apocalyptic, that’s Gilligan’s Island.

I know I’d normally put a reference link there for Gilligan’s Island. But if you don’t know who the Professor and Mary Ann are, you should be shot for wasting our oxygen.

Anyhow, I’m still working on ideas for one of many plotlines that I’ve thought up. Lately I’ve been more interested in working on ensemble stories than I have singular focus stories. There’s a lot more potential with them for long term works. You’re not restricted to only mild tragedy, because to be blunt, you can kill off a central character without condemning the whole story.

Well, we’ll see where it leads. Feel free to throw ideas out there. Currently I’ve got a country that’s been stranded from the rest of the world by an experiment gone wrong ( someone probably recognizes this idea ), a colonial craft crash lands on a semi-inhabitable world, but almost all on-board resources are destroyed ( this idea too ), or a complete astronomical catastrophe floods the world, and by the time the water recedes, populations have been dwindled to nearly a 100th ( I hope someone recognizes the inspiration for this idea).

Nothing perfect, but that’s how it works at the moment.

— Vid