Having posted a page for the Red Star Chronicles recently, it really got me back into the pattern of putting words on pages. So, I picked apart the original first segment of Chapter 2, and realized I had enough content there for two whole separate segments. As I’ve mentioned, I’m not a huge fan of rewriting works that I’ve already put together, but there were some reviews made about the original piece that hit pretty close to something I was trying to avoid so there went that idea.
All in all I think that this version is a lot stronger. It takes what had been a good smash cut for the first segment and breaks off what comes after, leaving the isolation that follows a little more evident. The second segment is a little bit lighter than I would normally shoot for, but it works for what is taking place, and what the character is going through as a mental process. The third segment will be coming soon, but I’m still working on how to blend what I have to start this chapter with where I want it to go.
I’ll have to give it a few readings before I can really figure it out I guess. At least I like my own work well enough to be amused by it, so I image I could have worse problems.
— Vid