
Character Creation | Combat Guidelines | Definition of Terms

Gothique: Combat Guidelines

Throwing Down the Gauntlet

Gothique Quickset is basically One Man Army Risk without the board. Designed for quick fun and battles with characters that can carry over through games, the outcome of battles are based on the combination of dice rolls, character building, and it also helps to be lucky.

At the moment, the list of spells is bland and short. Don’t expect anyone to be playing with characters past level 10 until sometime next year.

The Heat of Battle

Before any attacks can be made, an initiative roll is made at the beginning of each round. Each player rolls the d20, and then adds their level to the roll. The highest score goes first, followed by the next highest and so on. In the event of ties, perform any tiebreaker the Overseer sees fit, be it a coin toss, another roll, or rock paper scissors.

After initiative has been decided, the first character may decide how to take their turn. Depending on the campaign the Overseer has decided to play, options will vary, so ask your Overseer what options you have.

Physical attacks boil down to this simple rule, have a higher Attack Rating than their Defense Rating. To injure an opponent, the d20 is rolled, and the engaging character’s Attack Rating is added to the roll. The target then rolls the d20, and their Defensive Rating is added. If the attacker’s total is higher, then the target takes damage equal to the difference. If the defender’s total is higher, they take damage of 1 against their Health. When a character’s health reaches 0, they have been rendered unable to fight without being revived by another character with the ability to do so.

If the Defender of a physical attack rolls a perfect defensive roll, this being a 20 on the d20, the Defender may make a free physical counter attack without it counting as their turn that round. This can be negated by an Attacker rolling a perfect offensive roll, a 20 on the d20, or skills.

Attacking with spells can be tide turning. While Mythics have very little health, the DR is useless against spells. Each spell differs in power and cost, and a list of them can be found in the last section. Overseers may also create new spells not on the list, so ask if local trainers have any spells that can be taught to a character. Dedicated Mythics may subtract their level from spell damage against them. A Dedicated Mythic is a level 3 character or higher whose MR is three times higher than their AR. For an example, see below.

    Character Name: Darius Quinn
    Character Faction: Humanity
    Character Level: 3
    Health: 31
    Energy: 34
    Attack Rating: 6
    Defense Rating: 13
    Mythical Rating: 20

As Darius has an AR of 6, an MR of 20, he is considered a Dedicated Mythic, and may automatically subtract 3 from any spell damage inflicted upon him.

Castle Guards

Every role playing game of any sort has NPCs. In Gothique, there are guidelines in this war that cannot be broken. Only characters with statistics may be attacked. This is not to say that some characters cannot have statistics, it simply means that the Overseer must decide if they want to create an appropriate level character to be attacked at the whim of a player. If an NPC is going to be attackable, it is created just like a character with minor exceptions. Instead of starting with 5 points in each statistic, the NPC starts with 1 point in each stat for their level. After points have been placed, then the Health and Energy formulas are applied, and then the appropriate Health and Energy bonuses for their level. For example, a lv 2 Castle Guard would have the following statistics.

    Character Name: Castle Guard
    Character Faction: Temple NPC
    Character Level: 2
    Health: 40
    Energy: 5
    Attack Rating: 12
    Defense Rating: 7
    Mythical Rating: 2

Our poor Level 2 Castle Guard will actually be decimated in a 1 on 1 battle with a played character, which is why the appropriate level is important. As this character was obviously created as sword fodder, this would be the perfect opportunity to discuss the concept of gaining levels, extra stat points, and so on.

A character gains levels by defeating four times his level in opponents. In example, a Level 1 character needs to defeat 4 enemies to gain a level, and a Level 3 character needs to defeat 12. This is a test statistic, and not permanent, check back later to see if it has been adjusted appropriately.

As for statistic adjustments per level, a character will naturally gain 6 Health, 1 Energy, and 3 points. These points can be used in any stats desired. As a bonus, placing a point in the AR or DR adds 1 Health per point. However, placing a point in the MR adds 3 Energy, and subtracts 2 Health from the level bonus. For an example, see below.

    Character Name: Darius Quinn
    Character Faction: Humanity
    Character Level: 2
    Health: 40 +5 +1 +1 -2
    Energy: 6 +1 +3
    Attack Rating: 15 +1
    Defense Rating: 10 +1
    Mythical Rating: 5 +1

When Darius reached level 2, he gained 5 Health and 1 Energy for his level. The points he put into AR and DR gave him an extra 2 Health. That +2 was cancelled out by the -2 from adding a point to his MR, but he also gained 3 to Energy. After his level up was finalized, his character sheet would look like the example below.

    Character Name: Darius Quinn
    Character Faction: Humanity
    Character Level: 2
    Health: 45
    Energy: 10
    Attack Rating: 16
    Defense Rating: 11
    Mythical Rating: 6

In a battle, if you perform more damage to a character or NPC than the character who defeats them, both characters are awarded the defeat. If you are defeated in battle, a number of defeats equal to your level are erased. If a character has defeated 5 NPCs at level 3 and are then defeated, their record will read that they have only defeated 2. If they have only defeated 1 at level 3 and are then defeated, the record will read that no one has been defeated at level 3. Played Characters count as two defeats if they are the same level. Add 1 defeat for each level higher. If they are a lower level, they count as 1 defeat. Anything 5 levels lower does not count as a defeat.

As always, questions can be directed towards the Overseer.

Rünheist’s Book of Spells, Techniques, and Equipment

Below is a list of skills and spells and their energy cost, as well as a list of basic equipment. At the beginning of a game, the Overseer will decide how skills, spells, and equipment can be learned or purchased, and at what cost.


Glancing Blow1E (lv 1) – Attack without counting d20 rolls. The target still rolls to see if a counter may be performed.

Karma Thrust2E (lv 1) – Following a successful physical attack or counter, automatically strike again for the same amount.

Letting Sting3E (lv 2) – Afer a successful physical attack, the target begins to bleed, taking damage equal to your level at the beginning of each round.

Twin Strike3E (lv 2) – Roll a proximity check against all players. Attack any two targets as normal who fail the proximity check.

Knockdown4E (lv 3) – A successful physical attack cannot be countered. The target cannot attack you this round.

Dismember4E (lv 3) – If the attack succeeds, the target takes damage as normal. The target then suffers an arm injury, and has their d20 Attack roll halved rounding up for rounds equal to your level. Counters cannot be performed during this time.

Wide Swing5E (lv 4) – Roll a proximity check against all players. Anyone who rolls a number lower than yours is immediately damaged equal to your level. This cannot be countered. Members of the same faction may add their level to the check.

Veteran’s Rush5E (lv 4) – Add an ammount of damage equal to your level to a successful attack.

Free Strike6E (lv 5) – After being physically attacked, you may counter as if you rolled a 20.

Pierce6E (lv 5) – Roll a dice check against the Overseer. If your roll is higher, ignore target’s DR with a physical attack, if lower, ignore the target’s d20 roll.


Dark Bolt3E (MR 15) – Roll 2d6, the target takes damage equal to the roll plus 1/10th of your health.

Inner Light4E (MR 15) – Roll 2d6, a target of the same Faction as yours gains Health equal to the roll plus your level.

Shade Glaive5E (MR 18) – Roll 3d6, the target takes damage equal to the roll plus your level.

Devoted Shield6E (MR 18) – Roll 3d6, a target of the same Faction as yours gains DR equal to the roll plus your MR. Devoted Shield dissipates each point used during a Defensive roll.

Horror5E (MR 21) – Roll d20, if the sum of your MR and the roll is higher than the target’s MR, the target drops any weapon they are carrying and cannot attack on their next turn. They may spend a turn on picking their weapon back up.

Inner Flame6E (MR 21) – Roll a d20 Success check against the Overseer, if you roll higher, the incapacitated target awakens at 1/4th Health. If you roll a Perfect Success, they awaken at full health.

Marrow Bane8E (MR 24) – Roll 3d6, the target loses DR equal to the sum of the roll for a number of rounds equal to your level. If the roll is higher than the target’s DR, they take that much damage.

Purity9E (MR 24) – Roll d20, if a target of the same Faction as yours has an MR lower than the sum of your roll and the MR, remove all penalties. The target also gains Health equal to the roll.

Abysmal Drain12E (MR 27) – Roll a d20 Success check against the Overseer, if you roll higher, the target loses Health and Energy equal to your level for rounds equal to your level.

Soul Rain12E (MR 27) – Roll a d20 Success check against the Overseer, if you roll higher, characters in the same Faction as yours gain Health equal to your level at the beginning of each round for rounds equal to your level.


SabreWeapon (Lv 1) – A standard, light sword for battle. Adds 2 to your Attack Rating.

PolearmWeapon (Lv 1) – A typical long partizan. Adds 1 to your Attack Rating, Attack Roll, and Proximity Checks.

GlovesWeapon (Lv 1) – Lightweight plated gloves for fistfighting. Adds 2 to your Attack Roll.

AxeWeapon (Lv 1) – Heavy but powerful weapon for cleaving. Adds 4 to your Attack Rating, but -1 to your Attack Roll.

StaffWeapon (Lv 1) – Common weapon for Priests, or Mages. Adds 2 to your Mythical Rating.

TunicArmor (Lv 1) – Standard reinforced cloth. Adds 1 to your Defensive Roll.

LeathersArmor (Lv 1) – Durable leather armor. Adds 1 to your Defensive Rating.

CloakArmor (Lv 1) – Hooded robe infused with energies. Adds 1 to your Mythical Rating.

ChainmailArmor (Lv 4) – Heavy but strong metal chain armor. Adds 4 to your Defensive Rating, but -1 to your Attack Rating.

BucklerShield (Lv 1) – A small, light shield for returning attacks. Adds 2 to your Defensive Roll.

Character Creation | Combat Guidelines | Definition of Terms