Ironic Discoveries…

avatar graphicIt never seems to fail that just when I’m able to make the commitment of time or funds to one project, game, or some other activity something else comes along and defeats the whole damn point. Recently I felt the Massive center of my life to be empty. So, with a little pressure from peers, I caved and bought the Wrath of the Lich King and Cataclysm expansions for World of Warcraft. This on its own was quite an undertaking as I did not buy them so much as arrange for their acquisition at Christmas. Of course a game acquisition of this measure also implies a time card purchase. And so I put my chips in for two months worth of game time in the form of a subscription card.

No big deal, it just means focused attention to one game for two months. Any of my friends could easily back up my ability to do that. But then Minecraft also managed to be a plausible time sink. If you are reading this post and do not know what Minecraft is, you likely live under a gaming rock. It is easily the most successful Indie game of all time. If you want Massive, you can’t get bigger than Minecraft.

I found my time split between the two, and then a horrible thing began to occur. At random, the Library [my long anticipated desktop computer for those of you not keeping notes] decided to fully power down. It could be after twenty minutes, could be after four hours, but something inevitably causes the whole tower to hard stop.

This sucks epically.

I’ve narrowed it down to either my power supply, graphics card, or the processor. The first one is no big deal, but either of the other two imply a whole new series of parts. The graphics card less so, but to take advantage of the newer cards really requires a new motherboard, which also means a new processor. New board also means new RAM, and a new power supply anyway. I am likely looking at $1,200ish in parts for what I am temporarily dubbing “the Reliquary.”

Not [expletive] cheap. And all so I can play two games where in my spare time I can find hunks of metal to turn into awesome tools.

Maybe I’ll just play Mass Effect. Where one of my spare quests is to go find minerals with which to build ships for a galactic defense fleet.

God damnit.

— Vid