Open Discussion…

avatar graphicFor the most part Malicious Bastards is pretty well self sufficient at this point. There are a few things that I do want to fine tune still, but really I’m happy with the whole of it. However, one of the big things I’d like to add is a forum.

It seems like this would be a relatively simple thing to do, and there are a lot of options out there, but the big issue for me is always aesthetics. I want it to look like it blends to the site well. I want the gateway to go through the site the way I want it to. I’m not looking to have some secondary website set up where you decide you want to go talk to people somewhere else and you can get there from here. I want it to be actually here.

Apparently that’s not so easy. Which is stupid. There’s a whole host of forums out there and it seems like every single one of them wants to work the same way. Set up some other page to be your forum. What the hell, man. Why is this so complicated? I’ve found one or two that will actually work in a page that I set up, but then they completely take over the webpage, and I can’t maintain my current site structure, which still defeats the purpose.

Now, this may seem like a mini-rant, and it kind of is, but really I’m looking to open the discussion about what the best way to handle all of this would be. If you read here, and you’ve got ideas, post a comment. Please. I’m looking to set this up for a number of reasons, and it’d be helpful to get some outside input because every avenue I’ve tried has come up closed off.

— Vid

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