Adverse Environment GearThe galaxy is a dangerous place, and climate can be a significant part of the struggle. Temperatures on Shiva III can reach -80oC at record highs, and -200oC on average in the Zhat', only to enter into the furnace rooms of a Hub Station and be subjected to the 150oC temperatures created by the machines that keep the atmosphere in doors hospitable. Adverse Environment Gear is designed to work with forethought, allowing the wearer to plan for situations with a hostile environment. Inner linings are made of the same insulated materials that are used in Duratemp Wear, tied to exceptionally rigid temperature sensors built in to the rugged plating of the outfit. The thick, heavy plating and bulky linings do a fair job at protecting the wearer from wild temperatures, and the interlocking design makes it very easy to protect from other hazards. Environmental Systems? come standard with all sets, providing a +10 Equipment Bonus to the wearer's Fortitude Defense against extreme heat or cold conditions, as well as DR:5/[Energy(Fire,Cold)]. Reflex Defense: +2
Fortitude Defense: +3
DR: 3
Max Dex Bonus: +2
Hard Points: 2
Weight: 10kg
Movement: -2
Classification: Heavy
Base Price: 5,000Cr
Special: Neither the Vacuum Seals or Radiation Shielding armor modifications increase the Weight of Adverse Environment Gear, and the improved life support option does not require Hard Points.