Attached EquipmentSince the early days of firearms the ability to connect another item for ease of access or versatility has been a common thought or process. A compass in the handle, a bayonet, a tactical flashlight or shell case, all these options have had their uses, and even in a day of technological advancements there may be a need to accessorize a chosen weapon. By making use of tactical rails or other connections, equipment can be made readily available or even used without having to disarm oneself, providing an advantage in circumstances where being on guard is key. This equipment is constantly ready for use and need not be drawn or prepared before being used, but there are restrictions. Once a weapon is modified with tactical railing or other connections, it becomes increasingly easy to add new pieces of equipment. As a result, prices and connection slot costs are given for 1, 2, or 3 slots of attached equipment. It is easy to swap out the equipment attached to a weapon with this upgrade. A single piece of attached equipment can be swapped out for a different piece of gear in 10 minutes with a DC10 Mechanics check. The price of any equipment attached to the weapon is separate from the integrated equipment upgrade cost, but is increased by 10% of that items Base Cost 1 slot
Costs: 200Cr
Hard Points: 1
Restrictions: None
2 slots
Costs: 500Cr
Hard Points: 1
Restrictions: Ranged weapons of Small size or larger, and melee weapons of Medium size or larger
3 slots
Costs: 1,000Cr
Hard Points: 2
Restrictions: Ranged weapons of Medium size or larger