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The Red Star Chronicles


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You have lost nearly everything that could have been tied to your name. You may have been blackmailed by someone who falsely put together irrefutable evidence of heinous crimes, perhaps your finances were seized after the UNPF discovered you were running contraband between systems, or you might have simply made a very terrible investment that cost you every cred you've saved. No matter the reason, the circumstances of your loss have left you with the bare minimums you need to survive, and perhaps take revenge on those that have left you struggling.

As a result of being nearly impoverished, you can use the Survival skill to sustain yourself in urban or civilized environments.

Relevant Skills ( select one as trained ):

  • Deception
  • Gather Information
  • Survival

Base Equipment ( Begin play with the following ):


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Page last modified on May 24, 2016, at 04:18 PM