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Bipod Mount

Little more than a pair of folding or collapsible legs mounted beneath the barrel of a long arm, bi-pods are used to stabilize awkward or heavy weapons to improve their firing characteristics. Especially useful when firing behind behind low cover or from a prone position, bi-pods are typically used on squad support weapons, or by sharpshooters and snipers to better steady their weapons. Deploying a bi-pod for use is a Move Action, and you cannot do so unless you are either prone or adjacent to low objects that are between you and your target. If you move, you cannot use the bi-pod until you prepare it again.

If you have already aimed at or attacked a particular target, each subsequent aim action requires only a single Swift Action. If the user has the Sniping Master Talent, he can aim as a free action once per round. This benefit is lost if you attack or aim at any other target. A bi-pod mount also adds 20% to the weight of the weapon (minimum 1kg).

Cost: 100Cr
Hard Points: 0
Restrictions: Can only be applied to rifles

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Page last modified on February 26, 2016, at 02:56 PM