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The Red Star Chronicles


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Your life has been one of repressed servitude, living at the feat of a powerful lord and predatory master that are the Sangune. Bloodbound differs from the enslaved background in that you never knew a life outside of your servitude could be possible, and may even still maintain loyalty to the master you served. Your role in their ranks may have been as a soldier or retainer, perhaps you are on a secret mission for your clan, or your freedom may have been granted only by their death.

As a result of your bond, you are conditioned against the sight of wounds and injuries that others may suffer. You may take 10 on Treat Injury checks even when you would be distracted, and may take 20 when you would not. Additionally, if you are trained in Treat Injury, you gain the Skill Focus? feat for that skill as a conditional bonus feat.

Relevant Skills (select one as trained):

  • Endurance
  • Knowledge (Galactic Lore)
  • Treat Injury

Base Equipment ( Begin play with the following ):

  • Medical Kit


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Page last modified on May 01, 2016, at 02:54 PM