Choke BarrelBy reinforcing a barrel with hardened materials and added weight, the barrel can be used to tighten up weapons that are intended to deal widespread damage and focus that output into a narrow point instead. Choke barrels are applied in different ways to different weapons. See the list below for effects. Shotgun: Damage drop-off is reduced by one step; 3d8 at Point-Blank and Short ranges, 2d8 at medium range, no damage at long range.
Rifles with Autofire: When using a weapon set on autofire, you reduce the area to 1 square as though using the Spray Shot feat. Normal autofire attacks cannot be made with this weapon while the choke barrel is installed.
Heavy Weapons with Autofire: When using a weapon set on autofire, the area of effect is four consecutive squares that must be in a line of sight from the attacker. Normal autofire attacks cannot be made with this weapon while the choke barrel is installed.
Flamethrower: Attacks with a flamethrower are narrowed to a single line eight squares long. A target at any point along the line who fails the Reflex Save to take half damage reduces the range by one square, but takes an additional 1d6 of fire damage.
Cost: 750Cr
Hard Points: 2
Restrictions: Can only be applied to weapons listed above.