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Communication in a crisis can be the difference between failure and success in the field. Since the early days of modern warfare, the ability to reach someone quickly on your team has been critical. Comlinks ( often slanged as "Comms" ) are offered in many varieties that may provide additional benefits, but the most basic model is a hand unit that allows one team member to seamlessly communicate with another without delay so long as both members are on the same communications network, frequency, and range.

Basic short-range comlinks can broadcast and receive to tied systems within a range of 50 kilometers. This distance allows for ship-borne dispatch to ground agents, and cross-city communication. Long-range models can maintain a range of 200 kilometers, enabling near cross-country communication, or contact with high-orbit relays with a back-mounted transceiver.

Short-Range: .1kg
Long-Range: 1kg
Short-Range: 50km
Long-Range: 200km
Base Costs:
Short-Range: 25Cr
Long-Range: 250Cr
Short-Range: --
Long-Range: Licensed
Short-Range: Tiny
Long-Range: Medium


Additional modifications can be made to the base models as well for a price.

Encryption: Improves the hardwired transmission protocols to a comlink, adding a +10 Equipment Bonus to the Use Computer DC to intercept transmissions from this Comlink.
Adjustment: 10x the Base Cost of the Comm.
Restrictions: None.
Video Capability: Adds real-time video feed transmission from the point of view of the user to any video display system connected to a communications array.
Adjustment: 2x the Base Cost of the Comm.
Restrictions: None.
Holo-Capability: Adds real-time holotransmission capability to another Holo-Capable Comm or communications array with a connected Holoprojector with two settings; viewed ( point of view of the user ), and transmitter ( displays the user ).
Adjustment: 5x the Base Cost of the Comm.
Restrictions: None.
Tight-Beam: Transmitting over over a series of specialized lasers and frequencies from a uni-directional transceiver, these Comms can only be intercepted by someone in the direct path of communication between two users.
Adjustment: +300Cr to the Base Cost of the Comm.
Restrictions: None.
Miniaturization: By streamlining the system with nanoconstruction and improved components, a Comm can be reduced in size. Traditional Short-Range Comms can be reduced from a hand-held unit to a pad on the back of a hand. Long-Range Comms can be miniaturized to a wrist-sized unit instead. Decrease the Size of both models by two steps ( Tiny to Diminutive for the Short-Range, Medium to Tiny for the Long-Range )
Adjustment: 2x the Base Cost of the Comm.
Restrictions: None.
Special: Miniaturized Comms still require manual activation, meaning that one hand must be free to use a Miniaturized Comm, but they do not need to be otherwise readied to use. Miniaturization reduces the Weight of a Long-Range Comm by 50%.
Hands-Free: Replacing the activators with a series of personalized muscle controls or visual indicators, and placing the receivers in areas where they can pick up whispers or near-voiceless communications, these Comms do not require a hand for activation.
Adjustment: 6x the Base Cost of the Comm.
Restrictions: Only Short-Range Comms can be made hands-free.
Special: Without being integrated into another device, the skeletal nature of Hands-Free Comms prevent the inclusion of any other transmission systems.
Earbud: Reducing the size of the Comm to a singular nib that can be inserted in a user's ear, Earbud Comms can be programmed to be activated either by a touch to the ear, a double-click of the teeth, or other various methods. Their compact nature grants a +5 Equipment Bonus on Deception Checks to hide its presence.
Adjustment: 6x the Base Cost of the Comm.
Restrictions: Only Short-Range Comms can be made hands-free.
Special: Because of their placement and size, Earbud Comms prevent the inclusion of any other transmission systems.
Integrated: Rearranging the placement of the antenna, power supply, and wiring can allow for a Comms system to be installed in another device such as a Helmet, Vision System, or Cybernetic Prosthesis. Integrated Comms are typically Hands-Free, but are not required to be. They are always considered ready to be used, even if they require manual activation.
Adjustment: 2x the Base Cost of the Comm, unless being installed into Armor with the Integrated Equipment Modification.
Restrictions: Long-Range Comms can only be integrated into Armors or Vehicles.
Special: Integrating a Long-Range Comms without the Integrated Equipment Modification requires 1 Hard Point for Armor.


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Page last modified on June 28, 2016, at 10:32 PM