Encryption: Improves the hardwired transmission protocols to a comlink, adding a +10 Equipment Bonus to the Use Computer DC to intercept transmissions from this Comlink.
Adjustment: 10x the Base Cost of the Comm.
Restrictions: None.
Video Capability: Adds real-time video feed transmission from the point of view of the user to any video display system connected to a communications array.
Adjustment: 2x the Base Cost of the Comm.
Restrictions: None.
Holo-Capability: Adds real-time holotransmission capability to another Holo-Capable Comm or communications array with a connected Holoprojector with two settings; viewed ( point of view of the user ), and transmitter ( displays the user ).
Adjustment: 5x the Base Cost of the Comm.
Restrictions: None.
Tight-Beam: Transmitting over over a series of specialized lasers and frequencies from a uni-directional transceiver, these Comms can only be intercepted by someone in the direct path of communication between two users.
Adjustment: +300Cr to the Base Cost of the Comm.
Restrictions: None.
Miniaturization: By streamlining the system with nanoconstruction and improved components, a Comm can be reduced in size. Traditional Short-Range Comms can be reduced from a hand-held unit to a pad on the back of a hand. Long-Range Comms can be miniaturized to a wrist-sized unit instead. Decrease the Size of both models by two steps ( Tiny to Diminutive for the Short-Range, Medium to Tiny for the Long-Range )
Adjustment: 2x the Base Cost of the Comm.
Restrictions: None.
Special: Miniaturized Comms still require manual activation, meaning that one hand must be free to use a Miniaturized Comm, but they do not need to be otherwise readied to use. Miniaturization reduces the Weight of a Long-Range Comm by 50%.
Hands-Free: Replacing the activators with a series of personalized muscle controls or visual indicators, and placing the receivers in areas where they can pick up whispers or near-voiceless communications, these Comms do not require a hand for activation.
Adjustment: 6x the Base Cost of the Comm.
Restrictions: Only
Short-Range Comms can be made hands-free.
Special: Without being integrated into another device, the skeletal nature of Hands-Free Comms prevent the inclusion of any other transmission systems.
Earbud: Reducing the size of the Comm to a singular nib that can be inserted in a user's ear, Earbud Comms can be programmed to be activated either by a touch to the ear, a double-click of the teeth, or other various methods. Their compact nature grants a +5 Equipment Bonus on Deception Checks to hide its presence.
Adjustment: 6x the Base Cost of the Comm.
Restrictions: Only
Short-Range Comms can be made hands-free.
Special: Because of their placement and size, Earbud Comms prevent the inclusion of any other transmission systems.
Integrated: Rearranging the placement of the antenna, power supply, and wiring can allow for a Comms system to be installed in another device such as a
Vision System, or
Cybernetic Prosthesis. Integrated Comms are typically Hands-Free, but are not required to be. They are always considered ready to be used, even if they require manual activation.
Restrictions: Long-Range Comms can only be integrated into
Armors or