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The Red Star Chronicles


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At some point in your life you suffered a grievous wound that have cost you a limb or vital organ. Either shot by raiders during a strike, nearly crushed by debris in a mining accident, or left for dead after your transport was struck by stray debris. Your injury is a defining moment in your life, and your ability to rise above it has been a prime factor in your personal transition to your life as it is now, but it has had a lasting effect on your physical health.

As a result of your injury, you have learned to fight through the pain of being wounded. When your Fortitude Defense is reduced as a result of moving down the condition track, your damage threshold remains the same, as if you had no debilitating conditions.

Relevant Skills ( select one as trained ):

  • Endurance
  • Mechanics
  • Treat Injury

Base Equipment ( Begin play with the following ):

  • Basic Cybernetic Prosthesis (1) ( includes cost of installation )


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Page last modified on May 01, 2016, at 03:06 PM