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Over the ages, the ability to review data on the go has been both a luxury and necessity. Datapads have had many titles over the years depending on the features included in them; Personal Data Assistants, Smartphones, Tablets, Netbooks, and so on. Datapads are capable of the most basic functions of a stationary computer system, and are able to interface with larger computer networks with universal data port connections, or by relay with an integrated comlink system.

Standard Datapads are computer systems with Intelligence 12, and are considered indifferent? by default. The owner of a Datapad can improve the security of the device, adjusting its attitude to hostile for other users with a DC10 Use Computer check.

Basic Datapads are also common, but they have no internal systems and are simply storage devices commonly known as smartbooks; they cannot run programs, but can be used to input, display, and edit data stored on them like a digital notebook.

Standard: .5kg
Basic: .3kg
Base Costs
Standard: 1,000Cr
Basic: 100Cr
Availability: --
Size: Small
Special: Datapads with an integrated comlink can be used to access the local matrix, or an ad hoc network within 30 meters ( 30 squares ). The range can be switched between the two options with a swift action as part of interacting with the device.


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Page last modified on June 28, 2016, at 10:35 PM