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Abilities: +2 to Dexterity or Intelligence or Wisdom
Size: Medium
Base Speed: 6 squares
Low-Light Vision: Elves ignore concealment (but not total concealment) from darkness.
Iron Will: Elves gain a +2 species bonus to their Will Defense.
Heightened Awareness: An elf may choose to reroll any Perception check, but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it is worse.
Automatic Languages: Interlac and Elven

Prominent Houses

The Antarkon Galaxy is ancient and diverse, but the Elves are among the oldest races within it and their lineage is very carefully tracked. Able to trace many of the family lines to the times of primitive warfare and magic, some of the more enduring lines are listed below.

House Sahn'tah
Known for their wealth and influence, those belonging to House Sahn'tah are often active politicians and members of the nobility or ruling class. They are typically living lives of luxury.

House Khee'bler
Proud workers and artisans, the elves of House Khee'bler are the finest of craftsmen and builders. Khee'bler prefer modest means of peace and tranquility.

House Mar'rowana
Comprised of a long line of skilled doctors, herbalists, and chemists, House Mar'rowana has cultivated a fine tradition as healers. Traditionally they remain in high populace centers, but every now and then they strike out on their own to apply their craft in the fringes.

House Eor'phahn
The origins of House Eor'phahn are a mystery, lost to the annals of time, but their panache for intrigue and subterfuge is not. It is not uncommon for members of house Eor'phahn to operate under a false name to hide their identity.

House Tohl'keen
Quite possibly the oldest of lines, House Tohl'keen are a proud sect that are almost all skilled warriors and combatants. Though it is believed that they are solely responsible for the foundation of Sylvara Prime, they have no interest in ruling, and instead will choose to defend it with their lives.

House Var'hahmmah
While they have a wide and versatile history, House Var'hahmmah can be summed up with a single word; cruelty. Be it for pleasure, or in the need to send a message to those that may cross them, they are known for going to extreme measures to prove just how harsh and unforgiving life can truly be.

Easily as prideful and aware of their heritage as any other House, the Nhar'dvikh are hardly considered a House by the other lines due to their seemingly primitive culture. Preferring to remain in nature and with the Old Ways, they often live in the wilds and wooded areas.


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