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The Red Star Chronicles


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Through means outside of your control, you have lost the ability to return to your family's home. Though exiled in entirety, it is likely that the event that lead to it did not target you individually or specifically. Unlike the Disgraced Background, this is likely a result of a family member having defied a minor Governor forcing the entire clan into Space to make a new life, or perhaps a new United Nations Exploration Corps colony failed outright, run off by local wildlife or a toxic environment. Regardless of the specifics, the event has severed you from a settled life, leaving you to explore the Local Spur in hopes of finding your new home.

As a result of your journeys around the galaxy, you can pilot a safe course for hyperspace travel in half the time it normally takes (you can plot a course in 30 seconds, or 5 rounds). Additionally, if you are trained in Knowledge (Galactic Lore), you gain the Skill Focus? feat for that skill as a conditional bonus feat.

Relevant Skills ( select one as trained ):

  • Gather Information
  • Knowledge (Galactic Lore)
  • Survival

Base Equipment ( Begin play with the following ):


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Page last modified on May 24, 2016, at 04:22 PM