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Filed Front Sights

An old assassin's trick, this is the simple act of removing the front sight of a pistol by filing it off. A common modification to holdout blasters (along with removing their serial numbers), filing down the weapoin's front sight allows it to be drawn more quickly from its holster, and reduces the possibility of it becoming snared on clothing. Unfortunately, while this modification makes for easy concealment and drawing, it also reduces the weapon's accuracy, as it effectively makes it impossible to aim with any amount of precision. Applying this modification oneself requires a DC 15 Mechanics check; the cost is listed if paying others to perform the modification.

Weapons with this modification can be drawn as if the owner had the Quick Draw Feat. If the owner already has the Quick Draw Feat, then the weapon may be drawn as a Free Action. However, any range increment beyond Point Blank is considered Long Range, and made with a -10 modifier on the attack roll.

Cost: 25Cr or DC15 Mechanics Check
Hard Points: 0
Restrictions: Can only be applied to Pistols

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Page last modified on February 27, 2016, at 01:34 AM