Fire ExtinguisherThe history of interstellar travel is long and complex, wrought with many disasters and learning experiences. The first manned mission to the moon taught humanity a valuable lesson about pure oxygen environments, and while steps have been taken to eliminate the most drastic risks, fires still happen. A Fire Extinguisher can take many shapes, but the most common is a compressed chemical dispenser that releases an opaque plume of saturated smoke that pushes oxygen out of the space it occupies, suppressing the most necessary fuel something needs in order to burn. The cloud itself fills 1 square and spreads an additional 1 square in all directions each round it remains active. Each blast or round uses 1 of the 10 available charges it contains. Anyone inside the cloud receives total concealment, and those inside of the cloud cannot see the outside without assistance. Remaining in the cloud without a Rebreather or other self contained equipment for 2 consecutive rounds will move a creature -1 step down on the Condition Track as a Persistant Condition until they rest for 2 hours'''. After 3 Rounds without the Fire Extinguisher adding smoke to the cloud, it completely dissipates, no matter how large of an area it currently fills, leaving a white powdery film over the surface. An empty dispenser can be refilled as a Full Round Action using an available chemical cartridge. Extra cartridges for the dispenser weigh 1kg, and cost 25Cr a piece. Weight: 3kg
Base Cost: 50Cr
Availability: --
Size: Small