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Glide Wings

Ever since the days of the arrow it has been evident that forward movement in flight is aided by maintaining lateral and vertical stability. A Framework with some method of sustained flight is little more than an over-sized rock in flight without wings. Glide Wings come in many shapes and designs, but their purpose is very direct. A Framework with Glide Wings removes any Conditional Penalties imposed on Pilot checks made to use Fly Speed, but suffers a -5 Equipment Penalty for any Acrobatics Checks made while on the ground.

Similar to basic Glide Wings, RAID Wings ( Rapid Aerial Intrusion Deployment ) work in the same way, but they are collapsible, allowing for ease of movement once the Framework has landed. RAID Wings can be extended or retracted as a Swift Action, and provide a +5 Equipment Bonus to Stealth Checks made to conceal them from detection, but cost +50% more than the Base Cost. Though they do not provide any Fly Speed on their own, both Glide Wings and RAID Wings ( while extended ) increase the Fly Speed provided from other flight systems by 2.

Large Framework: 500Cr
Huge Framework: 1,500Cr
Gargantuan Framework: 3,750Cr
Colossal Framework: 9,000Cr
Equipment Slots
Large Framework: 1
Huge Framework: 1
Gargantuan Framework: 2
Colossal Framework: 2
Restrictions: Must use Shoulder or Back Equipment Slots
Special: Frameworks without any Fly Speed can still install Glide or RAID Wing systems, and can use them to slow their fall. If the Framework falls from a height of greater than 30 meters, a successful DC20 Pilot check allows them to treat the fall as only 30 meters high for the purposes of reducing falling damage, so long as they maintain forward movement equal to their Base Speed for every 10 meters fallen. Frameworks using Jump Jets in a Zero-Gravity Envrionment only increase the provided Fly Speed by 1.


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Page last modified on May 13, 2016, at 08:12 PM