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Sensors Suite: Class II

A Class II series of sensors improves on the base models by providing more than just immediate range detection. On top of the basic benefits of a sensors suite, advanced scanning technology allows for reporting on mechanical systems within their range. As a Standard Action, the operator of a Framework with a Class II sensors suite can make a DC15 Use Computer check to begin an active scan of a single non-living target within a 1 kilometer range. With the scan, they can determine any four of the following details about the target.

  • Size
  • Locomotive Systems / Capabilities
  • Direction or Trajectory
  • Number of Living Occupants
  • Hull Structure / Armor Type
  • Status of Present Weapons Systems

Once scanned, the chosen details remain passively reported, but a second DC15 Use Computer check can be performed to acquire other details that were not first collected, or have been lost for other reasons ( such as a Stealth System?, signal jamming, or opposed Use Computer check with an equal or more powerful sensors suite ).

In addition to the added scanning functionality, a Class II sensor suite provides a +2 Equipment Bonus to all Perception checks made by the operator, and low-light vision. Installation of the package also provides the hardware necessary to collect the appropriate information and visual interface required to make full use of its benefits.

Base Cost: 1,000Cr
Equipment Slots: 1
Restrictions: Must use Helmet Equipment Slots
Availability: Registered
Special: The Class II sensors suite is more versatile than the basic model, and allows for the addition of more tracking functionality. With the exclusion of the Microgrenade Option and Integrated Comlink, any of the System Modifications for Vision Systems can be installed. Treat the Class II sensors as a Vision System with 4 Hard Points.


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Page last modified on May 16, 2016, at 10:46 AM