GarroteVicious, lethal, and barbaric, garrotes have been favored weapons of murderers and hit men since the early days of human history. The concept has not changed much; a thin line of flexible but strong material fashioned to crush and tear at a target's throat, cutting of the air supply and blood flow. Proper use of a garrote requires both hands available in order to secure the line, and attacks made with a garrote are treated as Grab Attacks. Bonuses to grab attacks granted by Talents or Feats? apply to attacks made with a garrote; for example a character with Strong Grab using a garrote forces their target to use a Full Round Action to break free of a garrote instead of just a Standard Action. After the initial damage, a target successfully grabbed with a garrote feels the effects of the weapon at the start of their turn before they can take any actions. They take the damage again, and move -1 step along the Condition Track. This is in addition to the normal effects of having been grabbed. After the effects of the garrote are applied, the target may attempt to break the grab as normal. Damage: 1d6 [Slashing]
Weight: .5kgs
Hard Points: 1
Classification: Exotic
Range: --
Base Price: 50Cr
Availability: --, Illegal
Size: Small
Special: A successful Grab Attack moves the target -1 step on the Condition Track and deals weapon damage again at the beginning of their turn. Garrotes are considered Illegal, but do not suffer a cost multiplier to purchase; they can be assembled by anyone using the Base Cost.