Greenline RestorativeCombat is dangerous, and it creates the wounded. There are few brand names that are synonymous with bringing someone back from the brink of death, but Greenline Restorative is among them. Greenline got its start as a private military company providing field medical services in conflicted zones. When humanity began to expand to new planets, Greenline Restorative offered training courses and equipment to settlers in order to help ensure their survival.
Cost: +20% of the Base Cost
Restrictions: Can only be applied to Medium or Heavy armors, or to equipment that uses Treat Injury.
Special: Greenline Armor with the Integrated Equipment Modification treats Greenline Equipment that uses Treat Injury as one size smaller, allowing for two items to take up a single slot. As well, if one of the Integrated Items is a medpac, it allows for a second use of the automated medical treatment feature. The second use in a day expends the medpac.