Stun GrenadeWhen the object of a mission is to detain or subdue rather than kill, mercenary units, military personnel, and local law enforcement agencies use stun grenades. The standard stun grenade unleashes concussive energy that knocks out creatures within its 2-square burst radius. It is designed to explode on contact after it is thrown, dealing damage in the same round it is hurled. When you make an area attack with a stun grenade, you make a single attack roll and compare the result to the Reflex Defense of every target in the grenade's burst radius. Creatures you hit take full stun damage, and creatures you miss take half the stun damage. In addition, the stun damage has a chance of pushing targeted creatures down the condition track. A target with the Evasion talent takes half stun damage from a successful attack, and no stun damage if the attack misses its Reflex Defense. Droids, vehicles, and objects are immune to stun damage. Stun Damage: 4d6
Weight: .5kgs
Hard Points: 0
Classification: Simple
Range: Thrown
Base Price: 250Cr
Availability: Restricted
Size: Tiny
Special: The stun grenade is an Area Attack weapon