HoloprojectorDisplay technology has improved greatly over the ages, and three dimensional holograms are hardly a novelty anymore. Holoprojectors can be used to display recorded three-dimensional information and play back the keyed audio tracks in conjunction to offer a greater depth to the information being transmitted through Comlink connections. Holoprojectors are basic storage devices with Intelligence 2, and are capable of storing approximately 1 hours worth of holo-playback, or 1,000 individual still-frame holoshots. Weight: .5kg
Range: 3 meters ( 3 squares )
Base Cost: 1,000Cr
Availability: --
Size: Small
Special: For an additional 100Cr, the holoprojector can be wrist-mounted, but reduces the range to personal space. This reduces the weight of the device to .2kg, and the size to Tiny.