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Internal Generator

A miniaturized version of a portable fusion generator, an internal generator can provide continuous power for different upgrades on a suit of armor, including any integrated equipment. The generator can be activated or deactivated as a swift action. As long as it's active, an internal generator can simultaneously power up to ten different devices that have negligible power requirements (anything without a listed duration).

For devices with specific power requirements, an internal generator can store four units of energy (each the equivalent of an energy cell, power pack, or 20 rounds of power from a portable fusion generator), and it automatically recharges one such unit every hour.

A suit of armor can receive this upgrade multiple times if more energy capacity is needed, but each internal generator adds 10kgs to the weight of the armor.

The biggest drawback to a generator is its energy signature. If the generator powers anything but devices with negligible power requirements, any character attempting to detect the wearer with a sensor pack or vehicle sensors gains a +5 circumstance bonus on the Perception or Use Computer check.

Cost: 1,000Cr
Hard Points: 1
Restrictions: Can only be installed on sealable armor

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Page last modified on February 27, 2016, at 12:51 AM