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Marksman Barrel

Nikolai Dostevi Armaments Zashchitnik ( Защитник; translated as "Defender" ) model Marksman Barrel was designed to meet the needs of those for whom long-range accuracy is a necessity. Popular among bounty hunters and assassins, this barrel is nearly a full meter long and made of lightweight materials. It features upgraded static pulse adapters as well as nano-cut rifling to increase projectile range.

Use of a Marksman Barrel reduces the range by one category ( Long becomes Medium, Medium becomes Short, and Short becomes part of the Point Blank range ). However, the weapon becomes slightly awkward to use and nearly impossible to conceal, both due to the length of the barrel. Weapons with a Marksman Barrel take a -1 Equipment Penalty on any attack rolls made with the weapon. In addition, the weapon is unable to be hidden on one's person, and anyone searching the character for weapons will immediately find it.

Cost: 1,200Cr
Hard Points: 1
Restrictions: Can only be applied to Rifles

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Page last modified on April 02, 2016, at 11:21 PM