Medical AutomassThe pinnacle of medical science was the development of Automass, a synthetic product that rapidly copies the cells of organic material it contacts to function as an instant graft. While Automass is universally beneficial, it requires sequencing to type for larger applications to remain viable. It is possible to neutrally sequence Automass, but the viable amount that this yields is generally only suitable for inclusion in Medpacs. Typically Automass is used only in the case of severe injury or illness, being combined with more traditional treatments such as surgery, long term care, treating diseases, poisons, or even radiation sickness. When used in combination with surgery, patients recover an additional number of hit points equal to their character level per hour of treatment. If being used to assist with disease, poisoning, or radiation, it provides a +5 Equipment Bonus on the Treat Injury check. Automass treatment is done by fully submersing the patient in a tank filled with sequenced material, using a respiratory system that helps them breathe while suspended in the substance. However, the containment used to keep Automass from expiring is large and expensive, and so the systems are frequently only found in large scale medical facilities or military compounds. Each hour that a patient remains in an Automass tank consumes 1 liter of the material, and a tank requires at least 150 liters at all times to provide any benefit. A tank can support up to 300 liters of sequenced Automass, and only one creature can be placed into the tank at a time. Automass Containment Tank
Weight: 500kg
Base Cost: 100,000Cr
Availability: Registered
Size: Large ( fills a 2x2 square area, and stands 3 meters high )
Special: Properly using an Automass Containment Tank requires being trained in Treat Injury and Use Computer. A DC25 Use Computer check and DC25 Treat Injury check is required to determine that the Automass supply is properly sequenced to the patient. If the check fails by 10 or more, 2d4*10 liters are contaminated and need to be filtered out and replaced. You can Take 10 on these checks.
Weight: 2kg
Base Cost: 100Cr
Availability: Registered
Size: Small
Special: A sealed canister of Automass can be properly sequenced to an individual with a DC15 Treat Injury and DC15 Use Computer check. If the check fails by 10 or more, it is contaminated and unsafe for use. You can Take 10 on these checks.