MedpacEfficiently compact and nigh universal to any first aid emergency treatment, Medical Supply Packs ( slanged as Medpacs ) contain everything a trained medical professional would need in the field, while simultaneously allowing the unskilled to apply basic care. A standard Medpac includes coagulants, stims, and a small pack of neutrally sequenced Medical Automass that can be used to replace flesh, blood, and bone. Using a Medpac expends its contents even if the Treat Injury check it was a part of is unsuccessful, and subsequent treatments provide no additional benefit if performed in the same 24 hour period. A Weight: 1kg
Base Cost: 100Cr
Availability: --
Size: Small
Special: A Medpac is require in order to perform the First Aid function of Treat Injury. If attempting the Revivify function of the skill, a Medpac provides a +2 Equipment Bonus to the Skill Check.