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The Red Star Chronicles


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The Nikolai Dostevi Model 72 was designed for agents of the Special Operations Service who were not expected to rely on a pistol as their primary method of defense or offense. Despite its size and capacity, it is deserving of the same respect as any NDA weapon.

Damage: 2d6 [Piercing]
Rate of Fire: Single
Capacity: 9 / Magazine [ ammo ]
Weight: .7kgs
Hard Points: 0
Classification: Pistol
Range: Pistol
Base Cost: 1,950Cr
Availability: Military, Rare
Size: Tiny
Special Qualities:
Holdout: The size of the ND-72 grants a +5 Equipment Bonus on Stealth checks made to conceal the weapon
NDA Power: Improved materials and modified cartridge size provides better stopping power, raising the damage by one step to 2d6
NDA Focus: A wireless integrated targeting system can be keyed to a Vision System that remove concealment penalties provided by darkness, smoke, or other environmental hazards
NDA Security: Multi-authentication bio-rhythmic lock systems key each issued firearm to an owner, preventing them by being used by anyone else; the lock can be overcome with a DC30 Use Computer check, and a DC30 Mechanics check, each requiring one hour of work.


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