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Neutronium Reinforcement

Neutronium is a heavy, neutron-rich metallic alloy used to reinforce starship hulls. It can also be used to harden and sharpen the striking or cutting surface of a melee weapon, turn armor into miniaturized mechs, or give a protective coating to any piece of equipment.

A melee weapon given neutronium reinforcement increase their Critical range by one (so a critical range of 20 becomes 19-20, and a range of 19-20 becomes 18-20).

Any equipment given neutronium reinforcement gains +5 DR, +10 hit points, and +100% weight.

Cost: 4,000Cr
Restriction: Can only be applied to Simple and Advanced Melee Weapons, Medium or Heavy Armors, and all Equipment.
Special: Applying Neutronium Reinforcement adds the [Military] tag to the items availability.

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Page last modified on March 05, 2016, at 10:23 PM