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Nikolai Dostevi Armaments

At the turn of the 25th Century a well regarded Colonel for the New People's Republic of Russia? had decided that the equipment available for his flagship soldiers was not sufficient for the job they needed to do. Instead of conscripting another manufacturer to supply weapons and armor for financial gain, he took possession of one of Russia's own great factories and began to design equipment that would meet his own standards in the field.

Nikolai Dostevi Armaments focused on doing one thing very well; ballistic weaponry. While 'competitors' researched energy weaponry, they lead the field in the manufacture of firearms that could integrate with the other systems their field agents would use in order to provide skilled soldiers the edge they needed. Nikolai Dostevi Armaments continued to do so well into the Colonel's retirement, and after his passing, remaining dedicated to the legacy of ballistic weapons.

NDA Weapons are designed to be both powerful, accurate, and safe. Their weapons increase their die type by one step (from d4 to d6, d6 to d8, d8 to d10, or d10 to a maximum of d12), and contain a wireless integrated targeting system that can be keyed to a pair of display glasses or goggles to remove concealment penalties provided by darkness, smoke, or other environmental hazards. NDA Weapons are also keyed to their owner, preventing them from being used by anyone else. This biorhythmic lock can be overcome with a DC30 Use Computer check, and a DC30 Mechanics check, each requiring one hour of work.
Cost: 3x the Base Cost
Restrictions: Can only be applied to Ranged Piercing weapons
Special: Nikolai Dostevi Armaments add the [Military] and [Rare] tags to the weapon's availability

Historical Firearms

Though access to NDA equipment is exceptionally sparse, there are a few weapons of historically relevant use in the foundry's history. Notable examples are listed below.

The Nikolai Dostevi Model 45 Sniper Special was designed to give precision marksmen of the Strakhznakov units a reliable firearm for dealing with targets at short distances in a concealed manner. While only a handful of the ND-45s models were constructed and issued, they are highly respected as relics of an era of the Strakhznakov where their legends were formed.

The Nikolai Dostevi Model 72 was designed for agents of the Special Operations Service who were not expected to rely on a pistol as their primary method of defense or offense. Despite its size and capacity, it is deserving of the same respect as any NDA weapon.

The Nikolai Dostevi Model 77 is a current standard in primary firearm technology and is issued to most members of the Special Operations Services, particularly those focused in close quarters combat. Its reliability is matched by its offensive capability, despite being one of the most basic NDA models.

The Nikolai Dostevi Model 79 Commando Variant is akin to the more common ND-77 model with a few adjustments intended for operations where minimal exposure is paramount. Making use of specialized slide functions and a barrel aperture, it assists with keeping operatives hidden until it is simply too late to stop them. Like all NDA models, the ND-79c maintains the trademark reliability and impact of its kind.

In order to provide long range firepower, Nikolai Dostevi Armaments crafted several experimental rifle models. The Experimental Dostevi Mark III was designed to increase the rate of fire and accuracy of the Strakhnakov snipers.



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