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The Red Star Chronicles


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War, raiders, natural disaster, or simply poor luck all have left children without parents in the course of human history. Some may be more fortunate than others, finding families willing to take them in, others may be completely unknown and forced to make a life for themselves in the streets on their own. Regardless of the cause, it has either lead you to seek more for yourself, or to try and get away from the isolation that it brought.

As a result of your life as an orphan, you know how to take care of yourself. When you spend a Luck Point to add to a skill check in an untrained skill, add an extra 1d6 to the total for the skill check.

Relevant Skills ( select one as trained ):

  • Gather Information
  • Survival
  • Treat Injury

Base Equipment ( Begin play with the following ):


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Page last modified on May 24, 2016, at 04:23 PM