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Power Hammer

Manufactured using technology converted from tools used by workers in low-gravity environments, these long handled weapons have high impact materials that provide a solid and often broad strike plate made to deal a serious blow to dense rock or heavily armored targets. A trigger built in to the grip activates a gravitational anchor in the ballast that increases the striking force than the wielder could deliver on their own, though it can be difficult for the holder to steady themselves after.

Damage: 2d12 [Bludgeoning]
Weight: 10kgs
Hard Points: 3
Classification: Advanced Melee
Range: --
Base Price: 1,500
Availability: Restricted
Size: Large
Special: Extra damage from the use of the Power Attack feat can be added to damage dealt to an object or a vehicle with a power hammer. If you use the Double Attack, Triple Attack, or Rapid Strike feats with a power hammer, you take an additional -2 To-Hit Penalty. A power hammer requires two energy cells to operate.

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Page last modified on April 02, 2016, at 07:14 PM