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Pulse System

Simple weapons are often just that; simple. A standard blade can do a significant amount of damage to a living creature when it is used properly, but their capabilities are limited. Designed by Vikingr Svikin, the Pulse System was created to give simple weaponry an improved edge ( An unfortunate pun ) in the wilderness of the interstellar frontier when ammunition may have been scarce. Pulse Systems create a pulsing vibration through the edge of a weapon, allowing it to rapidly cut through a surface like a perfectly silent and still reciprocating saw.

Properly using a weapon with a Pulse System installed requires practice and training, but they are very formidable. Pulse Systems change the Classification from Simple to Advanced Melee, their Availability to Restricted, and their damage increases from 1dX to 2dX.

Pulse Systems are always custom made to each weapon, and once they have been installed they cannot be uninstalled. If installed after purchase, they require 2 Days of work, culminating with a DC30 Mechanics check at the end of each day. A failed check requires 100Cr in new parts before another attempt can be made.

Cost: 8x the Base Cost of the weapon being upgraded.
Hard Points: 0
Restrictions: Can only be applied to Simple Melee Weapons that deal Slashing damage.
Special: All Pulse Weapons require an energy cell to operate.


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Page last modified on June 17, 2017, at 11:22 PM