RecordingUnitRecording devices have changed over the years, but the basic concepts have not. Helpful for documenting an expedition, a scientific procedure, or even gathering evidence through the act of espionage, a simple Recording Unit can be integral. Basic models are considered storage devices with Intelligence 1 and a single interchangeable memory unit. Recordings can be modified with a DC15 Use Computer check, but a -5 Equipment Penalty applies if you are attempting to do so with the Recording Unit instead of moving the recording to a computer system first. Anyone can make an opposed Perception or Use Computer' check to spot any changes that have been made to the recording. There are three basic types of Recording Units, Audio, Video, and Holo. Audio Recorder
Weight: .1kg
Range: 30 square radius
Base Cost: 25Cr
Availability: --
Size: Diminutive
Video Recorder
Weight: .1kg
Range: 30 square cone
Base Cost: 50Cr
Availability: --
Size: Tiny
Holo Recorder
Weight: .1kg
Range: 30 square radius
Base Cost: 100Cr
Availability: --
Size: Small