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Softened Field

A simple intake added to the hardware of a personal shield unit can allow for an almost constant influx of energy, keeping the emitter charged with an overflow. By adjusting the capacity settings of the field to "soften" it, the output can improve dramatically. The drawback to this improved output is that the field is also much slower to recover. A Softened Field emitter increases its total SR by 10 for each Classification. ( 10 for Light, 20 for Medium, 30 for Heavy, however the shield's field becomes ablative instead, treating the SR as Temporary Hit Points, reducing the available SR by the damage dealt. Softened Field emitters also recover +2 SR up to their maximum at the start of the wearer's turn each round that it has not been reduced to SR:0, and can only be recharged with a DC20 Mechanics check if the Shield Rating reduced to SR:0.

Cost: 1,500Cr
Hard Points: 1
Restrictions: None
Special: A shield with the Softened Field stacks the SR:+2 recovery with the SR:+1 that is provided if it has the Hotchner Technologies Additionally, the Softened Field is incompatible with the Hard Light Barrier modification.


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Page last modified on May 18, 2016, at 01:23 PM