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Superior Customization

Any piece of equipment can benefit from retooling at the hands of a superior craftsman. A skilled armorsmith can add improved plasteel or even durasteel plating to increase the protection a piece of armor offers even as he decreases its weight and bulk. By the same token, even the simplest weapon can benefit from a craftsman's touch. A skilled weaponsmith can tweak a weapon to its owner's exacting specifications, turning a blunt instrument into a honed and deadly weapon of war.

Armor Traits

Agile Armor: Increases the armor's Max Dex Bonus by +1
Mobile Armor: Reduces penalty to Base Speed by 1 (medium/heavy armor only)
Protective Armor: Increases the armor's Equipment Bonus to Reflex Defense by +1
Reinforced Armor: Increases the armor's Damage Reduction by +2

Weapon Traits

Improved Accuracy: The weapon gains a +1 Equipment Bonus on attack rolls.
Improved Damage: The weapon deals +2 points of damage with a successful hit.
Superior Range: The weapon's ranges all increase by 50%.
Cost: 2x the items Base Cost per Trait.
Restrictions: Each Trait can only be purchased once for any given piece of equipment.
Special: Superior Customization Traits may be purchased after acquisition of the item.

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Page last modified on March 06, 2016, at 02:50 AM