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Four systems have been fully colonized by Humanity within the Local Spur. Sol (the birthplace of humanity), and three named for Vedic deities in honor of contributions made by India to the United Nations space program; Narayana, Shiva, and Vishnu. These four systems have become the foundation of humanity's prosperity, and though there are other locations where humanity has spread, these four are the core systems of civilization. Though other planetary bodies have been discovered in the three outlying systems, only a few have been properly colonized under any serious governing body. Below are all systems that have been colonized, listed by the government that oversees the majority of operations in their vicinity. Systems and locations within the Local Spur are tagged with a Deep Space Radar Telemetry (DSRT) Designation Number that is used to determine travel by Snapblade Drive.

Flag of the HHPP
Nationalist Motto:

"Radi blaga tselogo!" or "For the good of the whole!"


The New People's Republic of Russia ( Hoвыe Hapoднaя Pecпублuкa Poccuu; Novyye Narodnaya Respublika Rossii when Romanized ) was founded in the early 24th century at the end of what was called the Great Reinvention, when the people of Russia were able to enact a brilliant coup over the military leadership and depose of a government that was more interested in lining its pockets than it was maintaining the health of the nation and its people. With the instability of the global economy, and learning from the pitfalls of othe nations, the New People's Republic of Russia vowed to focus on the internal strife of the nation, doing what it could for the good of the whole. Focusing on education and science, industry followed quickly. The HHPP remained strong, and for the first time in modern history, Russia was a land of opportunity.

Over the centuries, the HHPP endured, maintaining their strength with a focus on new technology, clean energy, and manufacturing in order to ensure that its citizens were well provided for. Other nations on Earth became Protectorates over time, joining the ever-growing superpower in the hopes of enjoying the prosperity that mostly remained unmatched on Earth. As people began to look to the stars in order to expand and sustain the rate of humanity's growth, the HHPP expanded its jurisdiction, maintaining support for many colonies across the sustainable core systems within the Local Spur. The capital of the HHPP is Moscow, Old Russia.

The HHPP oversees the following planets in the systems listed.

  • Sol System [ DSRT 1 ]
    • Earth remains a shared governance with the United Nations, and the few remaining independent sovereign nations; primarily America, China, Iceland, and Japan.
    • Jupiters' Moons are largely overseen by the Red Army, making most of them home to military bases or foundries for Russian ships, vehicles, and equipment. There are a few that have been independently colonized, and are not under the direct supervision of the HHPP due to the Sustainability Accord of 2446.

  • Debris Field [ DSRT 51202 ]
    • Pochinka Stantsii (Mending Station) is a large independent asteroid that is believed to be the remnants of a rogue planet, and was discovered to be exceptionally mineral rich. The HHPP were able to begin mining operations while the United Nations were still debating its worth, and turned it into an automated repairs facility for HHPP vessels with Snapblade Drives that are responsible for hauling resources and supplies between its trade routes.
  • Shivan System [ DSRT 51204 ]
    • Shiva III was primarily believed to be utterly uninhabitable to the United Nations Exploration Corps when it was first discovered. A completely frozen rock without fertile soil or a viable heat source. However, the HHPP recognized it for what it was; the most condensed source of viable water within travel distance of Earth, making it a natural resource of incredible value in a society that was looking to spread through the stars. A harsh climate was hardly something to make Russians reconsider habitation. While the military does oversee the water mining facilities, the settlements are far-spread, making raiders a fairly common occurrence.

Flag of the United Nations

United Nations

Dating back to the end of The Second Great War, the United Nations governs much of humanity that is not overseen by the HHPP or other smaller independent nations that exist throughout the Local Spur. Over the course years following the American economic collapse and Styx Impact, The UN began to consolidate power under several new branches. New edicts in their operation put in place as an attempt to prevent further widespread war brought many nations into a higher state within the organization. As time went on, individual nations reduced the role of their individual government, becoming regions or territories within the UN instead, and sitting under a singular government with a singular army, eliminating international hostilities almost entirely within its borders.

Where the HHPP strengthened itself with technological advancement and economic stability, the UN reached to the stars, aiding with exploration and long distance travel, facilitating humanity with foothold bases in the three nearest stable star systems. Though a rivalry between the two interstellar superpowers was evident, there was no sanctioned hostility between the United Nations and the growing New People's Republic. Abstaining from border skirmishes between Russia and other nations where there were no concerns for humanitarian support, focusing on empowering the United Nations Exploration Corps instead of flexing the might of the United Nations Military Forces, remembering that the goal of Unification was the constant reach. The capital of the UN is Rome, Italy.

The UN oversees the following planets in the systems listed.

  • Sol System [ DSRT 1 ]
    • Earth is rather unique in the Local Spur; between the HHPP and other sovereign nations still present, it has neither a single governing body, nor a governing body that oversees a full majority of its land mass. Some point to this fact as a reason that there has not been a successful attempt at Unification of a single human government.
    • Mars was one of the first successful civilian colonies in the Local Spur. Though there are remnants of citizens here from the independent nations of Earth, or other small settlements that have not yet pledged a full incorporation, over 85% of Mars is governed successfully by the United Nations without issue.
    • Saturns' Moons are the major center of interstellar commerce and trade between all governments and systems. Because of their mining facilities-- both metals and fuels --the satellites orbiting the gas giant are in a critical position as a launching point for many diplomatic envoys, supply shipments, and military bases. Though a few of the smaller satellites are occupied by other groups, there is no question that it is largely United Nations territory, and no one attempts to make a claim otherwise. While there is an HHPP presence around Saturn, it is wholly industrial.
  • Vishnu System [ DSRT 51024 ]
    • Vishnu IV is a hotbed of flora and fauna, making it the home of nearly all agricultural trade routes. If the HHPP have the water supply market cornered, the same could be said about food and pharmaceuticals by the UN. Much like Shiva III, however, there is an illicit element present on Vishnu IV, making it a home of many drug cartels, and the birthplace of some of the fiercest guerrilla fighters that the Local Spur has ever seen.
  • Narayana System [ DSRT 51026 ]
    • Narayana II was the first attempt at transporting the societal model of Earth to another colony. Governed entirely by the United Nations in an attempt to ensure the possibility of a single planetary government, it was the original model for Unification. While the debate of its success has continued for over thirteen centuries, Narayana is largely self-sufficient despite constant power changes in the local governments that preside beneath the oversight of the UN. Hoping to avoid intervention has cost the planet much of its previous luster, and while it was a beautiful destination for many generations, it is now simply another global metropolis with its own issues.

Unaffiliated Systems

  • Freespace [ DSRT NA ]
    • Spacers are everywhere the systems aren't. Settled on asteroids, orbiting rogue planets, or living station to station as free traders and supply runners. Many of them just enjoy the freedom of a life outside the direct jurisdiction of a government giving their purpose specific directives. Spacers do not necessarily have a singular home port, but they may know which system their parents hailed from. Most of them are born on board, and find the settled life available on the surface to be boring, or even disorienting.


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