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Tactical Vest

Tactical Vests ( often slanged as "Tac Vests" ) are standard equipment of most security agencies and private military corporations, allowing lightly equipped agents to carry the tools needed to do their job without overly weighing them down. While they do not offer the durability or protection of bulkier armor, they allow an individual to take advantage of easy access containers, pouches, straps, hooks, or maglock plates depending on their design.

The Tactical Vest functions similarly to a Ready Harness modification for armor, and is often the first choice for people who have not been fully trained in the use of heavier equipment. The Tactical Vest can carry two Large weapons or Small pieces of equipment, four Medium Size weapons or Tiny items, or ten Small weapons or items of Diminutive Size. Removing or replacing any of these items requires a Move Action.

Weight: 5kg
Base Cost: 200Cr
Availability: --
Size: Medium
Special: Items stored in the compartments of a Tactical Vest ( excluding the weapon in the Hip Holster ) do not add to the encumbrance weight carried by a character.


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Page last modified on May 19, 2016, at 11:03 PM