Thorium DetonatorIllegal. Not since The Third Great War has a weapon like the Thorium Detonator been considered for use. Commonly carried as a matter of last resort, thorium detonators are roughly the size of a fist containing a quad-core of hyper-actualized thorium, making it an exceptionally high yield explosive. Both the HHPP and United Nations have outlawed their use, recognizing the devastation just a handful of them can bring in a civilian center. When active, the detonator unleashes a sudden torrent of immolating energy. The detonator can be set with a built-in timer in 6 second intervals for up to 18 seconds ( 1, 2, or 3 rounds, counting down with low volume tones until it is reset into a safe position, or it explodes. When you make an area attack with a thorium detonator, you make a single attack roll and compare the result to the Reflex Defense of every target in the grenade's 4-square burst radius. Creatures hit take full damage, and creatures missed take half damage. A target with the Evasion talent takes half damage from a successful attack and no damage if the attack misses its Reflex Defense. Damage: 8d6 [Energy]
Weight: 1kg
Hard Points: 0
Classification: Simple
Range: Thrown
Base Price: 2,000Cr
Availability: Illegal, Military, Rare
Size: Tiny
Special: The thorium detonator is an Area Attack weapon