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Under-Barrel Grenade Launcher

Under-barrel grenade launchers are designed to give soldiers or squads heavy anti-infantry or light anti-vehicle capabilities in a small package. This attachment consists of a basic, smooth-bore barrel attached to a magazine with an automatic feed system.

It carries up to six grenades and is fired by a simple press of a button. It adds 3kg in extra weight to the weapon it's mounted to, however, which makes the entire assembly quite barrel-heavy and cumbersome, applying a -1 modifier to attack rolls made with the weapon (either the regular weapon itself, or the grenade launcher)

The type of grenade used determines the damage, type, and burst radius. Use of the under-barrel grenade launcher applies the Pistols weapon range.

Cost: 2,000Cr, it is also a [RESTRCITED] item, requiring a license for ownership or purchase
Hard Points: 1
Restrictions: Can only be applied to Rifles

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Page last modified on February 27, 2016, at 02:21 AM