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Vikingr Svikin

Acknowledging a proud history of explorers and warriors, Vikingr Svikin ( Translates as Viking Forged ) weapons and armor are examples of artistry and functionality. Despite their antique inspired aesthetics, modern alloys and fabrics have allowed for improved performance while maintaining beautiful craftsmanship that is often favored by collectors and pioneers alike.

Once per encounter, the wielder of a Vikingr Svikin Weapon can declare an extended critical hit range by 1 ( ex: 20 becomes 19-20 ). However, anything other than a Natural 20 is not considered an automatic hit; if you roll anything other than a natural 20 and still miss the target, you do not score a critical hit. The use of this ability can be declared after the attack roll is made, but before the attack is resolved. Vikingr Svikin weapons have the [Rare] availability tag.
Vikingr Svikin Armor is designed to take a hit without suffering for it. Once per encounter, the wearer may reduce the bonus granted to their Reflex Defense and increase their Fortitude Defense as a reaction.
Cost: 2x of the Base Cost
Restrictions: Can only be applied to Armor or to Melee weapons.


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Page last modified on April 30, 2016, at 11:52 PM