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Vision Systems

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Efficient design and technology has moved the ability to remain connected into advanced overlays and heads up displays. While some systems can be entirely internalized, occasionally someone who is fortunate enough to still be whole requires an aid in the form of glasses, goggles, or other similar devices. Vision Systems include many advanced options, though by default they function as an external display for other devices they have been paired to including datapads, sensor packs, computer systems, and comlinks.

There are three standard models, and like they have a number of Hard Points which can be used on various System Modifications to add additional benefits, such as additional Vision Modes, Hands-Free Interaction, or other integrated systems. Using Hard Points to apply a modification may take time, credits, or other resources.

Simple Glasses: Looking like antique reading glasses, sunglasses, or driving glasses, though with slightly thicker frames, this Vision System design is easily the most popular.
Hard Points: 4
Weight: .3kg
Base Cost: 300Cr
Availability: Licensed
Size: Tiny
Special: Streamlined for most consumers, they are not uncommon, and difficult to tell the difference at a glance. Glasses models provide a +5 Equipment Bonus on Deception Checks to hide their nature.
Goggles: A more robust design, often hard-packed with no clear pass-through without relying on the Vision System itself, these models are popular with those living in harsher climates or performing more delicate work.
Hard Points: 8
Weight: 1kg
Base Cost: 450Cr
Availability: --
Size: Small
Special: Reinforced and shielded systems allows for a more robust system, and also protects the Goggles models from being deactivated by [Energy(Ion)] Damage; the display pass-through will be deactivated for 1 round while the system reboots. A Swift Action can be used to remove them as an obstruction, but the wearer is considered flatfooted until then.
Fitted Lenses: Certainly the most delicate of the Vision System designs, these nano-constructed devices are overlays that fit directly over the iris of an eye. They are typically favored by spies, journalists, and private investigators for their concealed nature.
Hard Points: 2
Weight: .1kg
Base Cost: 1,000Cr
Availability: Restricted
Size: Diminutive
Special: The Fitted Lenses provide a +10 Equipment Bonus on Deception Checks to hide their presence, but both lenses must be worn to function properly; attempting to activate them with only one in place makes an attack against the wearer's Will Defense as a 1d20+5 Attack Roll that deals 1d6 Psychic Damage and moves the wearer down -1 step on the Condition Track as a persistent condition until the user gets 8 hours rest.

System Modifications

Various programming updates and hardware adjustments can be installed on Vision Systems for a moderate cost, assuming that they are compatible with the systems being installed.

Infrared Flood Sourcing: Taking advantage of the default user interface and visual pass-through provided by all Vision Systems, specially filtered light receptors can be used to pick up infrared radiation and trace it back to the source. Minor adjustments to the settings of Infrared Flood Sourcing can also be performed to change the levels and bandwidths that can be detected by the function. A DC15 Use Computer check can be performed to adjust between Infrared and Thermal vision modes. However, due to the frequency and wavelengths of the energy types used in Shield Units, Infrared Flood Sourcing cannot see through any field created by energy shielding.
Base Cost: 1,000Cr
Hard Points: 0
Restrictions: None
Availability: Registered
Special: If the Vision System also has the Density Detection function, a DC20 Use Computer check can be used to activate EMF Detection in conjunction by activating both systems at once.
Density Detection: With a combination of audio frequencies and light measurement systems, the internal sensors of a Vision System can be used to measure anomalous readings in their surroundings, pointing out things that do not appear to be there otherwise. Density Detection can be used to grant a +10 Equipment Bonus to Perception checks while active when attempting to locate something hidden behind stealth technology, gravitational anomalies, hidden panels or doors that are not otherwise reinforced, or other visual illusions. While Density Detection is active, the user sees a flat black background and a series of lines and dots that combine to provide a three dimensional topographical image, but cannot discern colors, read flat print, or notice difference in other fine textures, and can be disorienting after prolonged continuous use. Activating or deactivating Density Detection requires a Move Action.
Base Cost: 1,500Cr
Hard Points: 0
Restrictions: None
Availability: Registered
Special: Characters take a -2 Equipment Penalty to any Acrobatics checks while Density Detection is active for more than 1 round. Density Detection has a maximum range of 60 meters. Past that distance, the sound scatter is too broad to provide the user with accurate reporting.
Light Amplification: Using a series of specialized sensors built into the framework or lenses, Vision Systems can pick up even the most basic levels of light, improving the ability to see in poor lighting conditions. The Light Amplification modification provides the wearer with constant low-light vision.
Base Cost: 250Cr
Hard Points: 0
Restrictions: None
Availability: Licensed
Digital Zoom: By using high resolution video pass-through features in combination with high quality display, a Vision System can function similarly to Electrobinoculars, providing improved vision range, and readings on distance and elevation for Glasses or Fitted Lenses. The more robust Goggles models are capable of the additional hardware that some of the more extensive sensor systems would require.
Base Costs
Standard Zoom: 500Cr
Advanced Systems: 750Cr
Hard Points
Standard Zoom: 1
Advanced Systems: 3
Restrictions: None
Availability: --
Special: Digital Zoom reduces the range penalty on Perception checks from -5 for every 10 squares of distance to -1 for every ten squares instead. The Advanced Systems function identically as an integrated set of Electrobinoculars, including all other basic features.
Altered Reality Overlay: By triangulating obstructions and compiling real-time data from a combination of local comms traffic, satellite telemetry, and personal networking equipment, a Vision System can provide a detail highlight for obstructions, obstacles, or other notable objects with the use of predictive algorithms. The Altered Reality Overlay is commonly popular with bounty hunters, trackers, or tourists who worry about missing their exit and misplacing their keys.
Base Cost: 500Cr
Hard Points: 1
Restrictions: None
Availability: Restricted
Special: The Altered Reality Overlay provides a +2 Equipment Bonus on vision-based Perception checks.
Rapid Eye Movement Interface: The second-most common program suite for Vision Systems outside of an Integrated Comlink, the REMI allows for flickers of eye movement to navigate through the displayed menus of the sytsem instead of requiring a manual adjustment on the frame of the device, or an external datapad with the necessary control program.
Base Cost: 250Cr
Hard Points: 1
Restrictions: None
Availability: --
Special: The Rapid Eye Movement Interface can be installed in the Fitted Lenses models for 0 Hard Points instead of 1.
Bio-rhythmic Security Lockdown System: In order to ensure that access to sensitive equipment or secured communications systems cannot be hijacked, many Vision Systems use a Security Lockdown protocol. By reading a series of key identifiers ( iris, skin tone, heart rhythm, saline content, and other aspects ), a Vision System can recognize its registered owner. If a Vision System is activated by an unauthorized user, a Security Lockdown System will disable the device until an authorized user can activate them again, or an external device is used to perform a DC30 Use Computer check. If the check fails by 5 or more, the devices programming recognizes the attempt and becomes permanently disabled.
For the exceptionally punitive, the Security Lockdown System can be tied to a frame-wired microgrenade which detonates half a second after flashing "UNAUTHORIZED USER" as a 'warning', dealing 4d10 x2 damage. If this damage exceeds the unauthorized user's Damage Threshold, but does not reduce them to 0 hit points, they are moved down -5 steps on the Condition Track to Helpless as a persistent condition, and will require the Surgery function of Treat Injury before the condition can be removed.
Base Cost
Security Lockdown System: 250Cr
Microgrenade Option: 2,0000
Hard Points
Security Lockdown System: 1
Microgrenade Option: 2
Restrictions: The Microgrenade Option can only be installed on Glasses or Goggles model systems.
Security Lockdown System: Registered
Microgrenade Option: Military, Illegal
Special: Any Vision System with the RAXVIS Suite installed can add the Microgrenade Security Lockdown option for 0 Hard Points instead of 2.
Integrated Comlink: Without a doubt, the transition from a handheld 'smart phone' to a less obtrusive piece of technology was one of the most popular developments of the 22nd century. To this day, the integration of comlink bandwidths in the Vision System interface is a common practice. Short range comlinks are easily wired into Glasses or Goggles models, as they use somewhat redundant systems already.
Base Cost: 50Cr
Hard Points: 0
Restrictions: Not compatible with the Fitted Lenses models.
Availability: --
Special: A Long-Range model can be integrated into the Goggles Vision System for 1 Hard Point and 10x the Base Cost of this System Modification. If additional features are required for the Comlink ( such as Holo-Capability or Tight-Beam ), use the cost for those options separately.
Red Army Command Visual Interface Systems: Initially designed by the R&D department of the People's Red Army in the 23rd Century shortly before the Third Great War, RAXVIS ( slanged as "raxvees" from a phoenetic shift in their initialism ) was designed to keep troops appraised of necessary intel via satellite comlink during field operations. The secured connection ties the wearer to local data sources, providing the benefits of a datapad without requiring the additional equipment.
Raxvees also use real-time optical sensors that allow for high speed calculations including bullet trajectory, advanced targeting, aim assistance, and lead tracking when receiving data from a properly outfitted firearm.
Base Cost: Earned, cannot be purchased ( Valued at 4,000Cr )
Hard Points: 2
Restrictions: None
Availability: Military, Rare


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Page last modified on June 07, 2017, at 08:29 PM