Vox-BoxCommon among tourists ( Especially those who only speak UN Common (American) ), these devices are simple point-and-click boxes with up to twelve pre-recorded phrases ( "Yes", "No", "Maybe", "Greetings", "Go Away", "How much?" "Please take me to someone with authority", "I understand", "I require assistance", "I can help you", "I mean no harm", and "I am hungry" ) in the language of the purchaser's choice. Each phrase has its own picture-related button. They are popular among people who have a basic understanding of a spoken language, but may not be able to vocalize it for any number of reasons. Changing the recording of one of the pre-programmed messages can be done with a DC10 Use Computer check in order to replace it with another phrase up to 3 seconds in length. Weight: .1kg
Base Cost: 200Cr
Availability: --
Size: Tiny