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Weapon Harness

Designed to allow a single sentient to field even the heaviest man-portable weapons with no support, weapon harnesses are rare. Worn over the shoulders and belted around the midsection or torso, weapon harnesses consist of a series of load-bearing straps and harnesses connected to a gyro-stabilized, power-assisted boom arm attached to a heavy weapon. Powered by a tiny rechargeable power pack, the harness offers its user enhanced stability and strength when using heavy weapons.

Use of a Weapon Harness allows the user to carry and use weapons up to Huge size without need of a bipod or tripod mount. Wearing it is awkward and cumbersome, however, reducing the wearer's Movement Speed by -1.

Cost: 500Cr
Hard Points: 2
Restrictions: Can only be applied to Heavy Weapons

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Page last modified on February 27, 2016, at 02:23 AM