Weapon ModificationsModifications are minor systems or adjustments that can be added to an item by using available Hard Points. Below are a list of modifications that can be used on weapons specifically, and a list of glossary terms related to the modification process.
CostA Modifications Cost is its market value in Standard Credit (slanged "credits" or "creds" -- the nigh universal currency of the Red Star Chronicles). In many cases this is a flat rate, however some modifications Cost may be dependent on the Base Price of the item they are being applied to. Other factors may also effect the price of a modification, such as generally being disliked by the Merchant. Hard PointsMany of items have a number of Hard Points which are required to use many different types of modifications. Using Hard Points to apply a modification may take time, credits, or other resources. RestrictionsCertain Modifications can only be applied to specific weapons or weapon types. For example, a sharpened edge does not have any benefit on a sniper rifle, and rapid fire triggers cannot improve the function of a melee weapon. These specifications will be listed here. |