
avatar graphicSo the combat guidelines for Gothique Quickset have been made available. You can track them down a number of ways. Head to the Content page to find the Gothique Quickset rules listed in the long term projects, and then click the “Combat Guidelines” navigational link.

Or, because you’re lazy, you can just click this “I AM LAZY” declaration.

See, that wasn’t so bad, was it. Nothing wrong with being lazy, so long as you admit it. It’s a rule, really. Like Instant Coffee.

In other news, nothing stretches out your day in a ridiculously unpleasant way like realizing you’ve forgotten to take your cell phone and lunch with you.

— Vid

Setting Stones…

avatar graphicTaking a step away from the appearance of the site I figured I should put some content up here and there. On the Content page you’ll find the rules for Gothique Quickset. It’s a bit of a pen and paper ( what with my hatred of pencils ) table top role playing game, but Quickset specifically focuses on combat between characters and NPCs, gaining levels, and having fun.

Gothique is a step away from the rest of The Runick Legends ( read the wiki, damnit ) in that it takes place in a real location which I’ve specifically mentioned by name. It uses some of the core concepts of Mythicism, and a similar focus on the strengths and weaknesses of characters, though it’s much more scaled back. The Quickset rules can really be used for larger role play campaigns, and there are definitely some stats built into the existing rules that would really only work in that kind of concept, but I haven’t put together any sort of player’s handbook just yet.

I like Gothique. There’s a decent story backing there, but I’m not fleshing it out too much lest it get mired down in the rest of the minutia. Anyhow, it’s in the long term projects portion of the page, and not everything is posted just yet. I still need to put the Combat Guidelines and Definition of Terms pages up. I’ll also be making a .pdf version of a character sheet for use at some point.

— Vid

Form Function…

avatar graphicOne of the Bastards asked:

Adam said:
October 11th, 2009 on 12:30pm-America/Los_Angeles edit
Why not go w/ DotNetNuke Content Management?

Aesthetics. I don’t just want things to look good, I want them to sound good, and DotNetNuke is a horrible, horrible name. Honestly I don’t really want to use CSS, but it works for what I’m after here. That aside, I wanted to use Textpattern, but I couldn’t get its forms working properly for some reason. So until I know more, Malicious Bastards is regrettably powered by WordPress.

— Vid