Honestly American...

For thirty five years I have considered the needs of just about everyone outside of myself on the grander scale, and I have done so because I was told that is what good people do. I make an active choice at all possible opportunities to do the best for other people I possibly could at every turn, but for my entire life I have watched a large group of people repeatedly say that there are those that deserve less than them, or deserve to struggle, that their needs as people aren't important enough to care for because making things better in that struggle doesn't actually do anything for others. It does not seem to matter how loudly I cry out that being a society is about lifting up those that are less fortunate than you might be, or try to explain that simply because it doesn't impact one person in any active way doesn't mean it isn't worth doing for someone else, the level of selfishness I see people throw forward is just mind-numbingly cruel by proxy.
How anyone could drag their feet in support of the democratic party in this election is beyond me. I frankly don't care if she wasn't the candidate that people wanted, she was not a traitor. She was not an insurrectionist. She was not a seditionist. She had actual economic policies that were going to be good for the people whose lives have been most impacted by the struggles of the last forty years. She had programs that were going to be good for businesses, she had policies that were going to reduce pointless criminal convictions, she had a plan for getting people rights that they deserve which have only not been granted because of obstinate obstruction by people who view anyone being given an equal hand as stealing from their grand privileged position.
Instead we have someone who has literally said he wants to eliminate birthright citizenship, and frankly I don't give a fuck what conditions he put on it, that's where it starts. His economic policies nearly destroyed us the first time around and we spent four years cleaning up the mess. We were the laughing stock of the world. He tilted the supreme court to allow for the removal of rights, and there are already people parroting that as went women's rights, they want to remove birth control, they want to remove the rights of people to marry outside their ethnicity, they want to remove same sex marriage, they want to institute forced prayer in schools.
This shouldn't have been a hard choice. This should have been the easiest choice Americans ever made, but people bitched and whined about how she wasn't a paragon of their particular values, she wasn't experienced enough, or she had the wrong kind of experience, and none of that should have mattered. None of it.
We as a country have elected a party into near complete and total power that for the last forty five years has been trying to undo the concept of America as a melting pot of cultures and ideals because they were willing to believe that someone else was going to be good for the economy. A party that when you look at the actual math has NEVER been good for the economy in any of our lifetimes. Was the world perfect under a democratic president? No, but it was fucking better than it was four years ago. Objectively. By nearly every metric except what people believed because of the lies they were told by the people that wanted their power back.
Warning bells have been being rung since this candidate started running in 2012 about the danger he could do when he was in office. And when he finally got into office he started to do so much of what people warned about. But that wasn't enough. No, he got to do his damage, and he was stopped only by incompetence, but now they have an actual plan. And it was published. There is no holding them back now because they have the Court, they have the Senate, and they have the White House, and it looks like they're going to get the House. There will be no stopping them.
We are going to suffer for this. All of us. Economically, socially, legally. We are going to watch our allies recoil, and only if we are exceptionally lucky we will not see our all blessed-more-important-than-human-lives economy collapse and our infrastructure crumble, but I have read Project 2025, and I know what they want to do. They needed him in power for it. He is named in the damn thing. When they failed to overthrow the last election they got to work doing everything they could to put it together. We saw this coming, but the opinions of the people who oppose them just... don't mean enough.
He is a rapist, he is a buffoon, he is a con man, he is a seditionist. Any one of those things should have been enough for ANYONE not to want to vote for him immediately. IMMEDIATELY. But no. Kamala Harris just didn't click. I am sorry. There is not one policy that he has that will convince me that he and his beliefs was worth the damage he and his supporters want to do to anyone.
If you have a mother, that should have been enough. If you have a wife, that should have been enough. If you have a daughter, that should have been enough. If you have a sister, that should have been enough. If you know a woman, that should have been enough. If you know a gay or lesbian person, that should have been enough. If you know a trans individual, that should have been enough. If you know someone whose family has been subjected to their hateful rhetoric, that should have been enough. If you care about Ukraine, that should have been enough. If you care about Palestinians, that should have been enough. If you fear the possibility of a dictatorship, that should have been enough. If you're thankful that you can still breath the air and drink the water that should have been enough. If you value human life at all that should have been enough.
There should never have been a single fucking consideration for whether this man was fit to lead after what we saw everyone that he has put forward said about him and his party's plans. But as a nation we have been shown that ethical behavior towards our fellow Americans just isn't fucking worth it. I am disappointed with so many people who put on their blinders and said surely they will be fine and they can swallow the diseased shit filled with acid for any reason. I am disappointed in so many people, so many human beings who say they have values and beliefs, be it religious, philosophical, spiritual, ethical, moral, or whatever word that might be fit to describe a set of guidelines based on treating another person with even the most basic of respect and kindness, but mostly I am just so angry that it was so hard to convince anyone that electing anyone at all in place of this narcissistic psychopath of a cult leader was the right thing to do.
How dare it be that hard to convince anyone at all to take the safety and consideration of anyone else into account, let alone fucking everyone. Why is it so hard to appeal to the morality of human beings in this country over the most basic of things like having the right to exist, or the ability to survive. Do you not all recognize how hard it is for others? Do you not understand what it is like to wake up in the morning and wonder where you are on the list of priorities to be removed from the equation now? And for what? This idea that if America isn't the richest nation in the world then we're all going to cease to exist? Did you think it was impossible for us to manage to get through four years with someone who is just slightly imperfect instead of a parable for the fucking antichrist?
I'm a sociopath and I knew better. What the fuck is anyone else's excuse.